Thursday, February 17, 2011

Activity 3.1.1 Inputs and Outputs

5. Unchecked 0 No Voltage
6. Checked 1 Yes Voltage
7. It switched to the oposite. Its always on until you turn it off by pushing the switch and holding it down.
9. 43-5000
11. 1521
12. 1360
13. You are able to make the motor and buzzer go either faster or slower
14. You can switch the wiring connections to change the directions of the current.
15. The magbets turn on the reed switch
16. The reed switch behave open.
18. The photoresistor sends a verying aount of signal depending on how close the lamp is
19. When the phototransistor is exposed to the lamps light it closes the circut turning it on.
20. The phototransistor will normally always be open unless it has light.
21. It can be used as a closed digital input if constantly exposed to light.

1. It shows the static state of the 3 connections and what connections are closed or open.
2. A computer will constantly check the voltage every micro second and average out the values be it high or low and give you a verying value. Ex. 5000 then 0000 would yield 2500.
3. As the resistor heats up it excite the electrons and makes it harder to send electrons through that excited secction

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