The simple solution for the government? Kill the internet and all other information gaining systems i.e. land lines and wireless providers. Before the cencorship people became hysterical and some last minute pleas went out through the web to ask for help in the great battle for their freedom.

There are some interesting and practical items here that are going to be used to further the revolution.

1. goggles - these could be used to protect from tear gas that the government forces use against protesters
2. a rose - this could be a symbol to show that these people are normal people and want to extend their hands out for the love and support of others in other places
3. a pot's lid - i assume that this is used as a sheild to defend from attacks from the suppressive forces of the government who most likely have batons and what not
4. spray paint - I assume that this will be used to tag the buidling and area around the protest to show the words and ideas of the protesters
5. sneakers - these will probably be used to run away and avoid the suppressive forces and continue the protesting
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